Negotiating with corporate jeweller April 21, 2023 – Posted in: Blog

Negotiating with a corporate jewellery store in India can be a bit different than negotiating with a small mom-and-pop shop. The store’s policies may not allow for much wiggle room in pricing, but there are still ways to negotiate and get a better deal. In this blog, we will discuss how to negotiate the price with a corporate jewellery store in India.


Before heading to the corporate jewellery store, research the jewellery you want to buy, including the quality standards, the market price, and the brand’s reputation. Look for online forums, review sites, and customer testimonials to gauge the brand’s credibility and reputation. This information will help you to negotiate better and also understand the brand’s policies.

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Building a relationship with the sales representative can help you to negotiate a better deal. Start by asking about their business, the types of jewellery they specialize in, and their policies. Show interest and appreciation for their work, and try to build a rapport with them. By building a relationship, you may be able to negotiate better and get a more personalized deal.


When negotiating with a corporate jewellery store, it’s essential to be confident and reasonable with your offer. Start by offering a price lower than the initial quoted price, but make sure it’s a reasonable price based on your research. If the sales representative does not accept your offer, be willing to compromise and meet them halfway. Remember, the sales representative may not have the authority to negotiate the price, so be understanding of their position.


If the sales representative is unable to negotiate the price, consider other factors that can help you to get a better deal. For example, you can ask for a discount if you pay with cash or a debit card instead of a credit card. You can also ask for additional benefits such as free cleaning or maintenance for the jewellery.


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If the sales representative is unwilling to negotiate and the price is not within your budget, be prepared to walk away. Sometimes, walking away can prompt the sales representative to reconsider their offer and make a better deal. Additionally, you can always shop around and compare prices at other stores before making a final decision.


It’s essential to stay respectful and polite during the negotiation process, even if the sales representative is unable to negotiate the price. Avoid being confrontational or aggressive as this can harm the relationship and make it more difficult to reach a deal. Remember that the sales representative is doing their job, and they have policies to follow.


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In conclusion, negotiating with a corporate jewellery store in India can be a bit different than negotiating with a small shop. It’s important to research the jewellery, build a relationship with the sales representative, be confident and reasonable with your offer, consider other factors, be prepared to walk away and stay respectful during the negotiation. With these tips, you can negotiate the price with a corporate jewellery store in India and get the best deal possible.

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