11 Guest Complaints You Should Avoid In Your Wedding

It is your wedding and you do not want your D day to end up as a day filled with bad memories for your guests. You would really like your guests to look back on your special day with as much fondness as you do. There are simple steps which you can take during the process of planning your day that will keep your guests happy and make the day pleasant for everyone. 11. Finalising… Continue reading

Best Online Stores For Indian Brides To Shop For their Wardrobe

Online shopping is on a high.It helps people sit in the comfort of their homes and compare ideas, patterns, colours, prices and finalise what they want. When we do this for all our appliances and clothing why should it be any different when it comes to wedding shopping. Today’s bride is quite hard pressed for time as she is involved in planning every aspect of her wedding so online shopping is a great option. We… Continue reading

10 BucketList of Things ToDo Before Getting Married

Jennifer Smith told that “Marriage is a mosaic you build with your spouse. Millions of tiny moments that create your love story.” So when you are about to embark on a journey of your lifetime it is important to get your to-do list ready and make sure all the boxes are ticked as no one wants to face regrets. 1. Move out of your parent’s shelter You might be the only child and pampered but… Continue reading

7 Reasons Why You Should Prefer Personalized Gift

Gifts are always special no matter who you are or how old you are. It excites us and though each one might express it in different ways the joy of receiving a gift is always there and the feeling of being special is something no one would want to deny. So over the last few years there has been an excitement over personalized gifts. What makes it so special and popular?  1. The Extra Touch… Continue reading

10 Wedding Sites You should Visit Before You Plan your Wedding

Phew! You have a Big wedding to plan huh?  No worries, there are LOTs of places online where you could find help.   We have done extensive research and have sorted out some of the Phew! You have a Big wedding to plan huh?  No worries, there are LOTs of places online where you could find help.   We have done extensive research and have sorted out some of the best wedding planning websites, for… Continue reading

10 Unique Ideas To Personalize Your Wedding Rings

Engagement or a wedding ring is not a one-day affair, it’s the one ring which will be traveling with you through out your life.  So, are you looking for a very unique wedding ring? If yes, you have come to the right place - we help you figure out different options to personalize your wedding ring and stand out amongst your peers! 10) Bride and Groom Voice Waveform Engraved Rings I Do - Voice Waveform… Continue reading


3D Printing is quite possible the future of mass production but for all the industrial uses that it may have, there are a lot of funny, quirky and downright unique uses for it as well. Here’s a list of some of the many such applications that is possible through this technology. 10. Key Chains This is one of the more tame uses for 3D printing. In fact, it was one of the uses that 3D… Continue reading

Top 12 Ways To Personalize Your Wedding Day

There are very few moments in a person’s life that can be considered as personal or as intimate as his/her wedding day and therefore, it only makes sense to make that day as memorable and personal as he/she possibly can. So, without any further ado, here are a couple of ways in which you can personalize your wedding day, even more so than usual. 12. Personalized photo collection(childhood) around   the marriage hall Make the diners… Continue reading


Is it “Sa” or “re” or “ga” or “ma”?..  No. You’re mistaken.  The most important sound in any language is your name.   Yes, you read it correct.  It’s your name.   Try to spell it 2 times, and see how sweet it is. Remember the happy moment you had, when you realized that your teacher remembers your name, than that of your friends? Everyone likes the sound of our “name”.  Take for example, “Indira Gandhi International… Continue reading

1st Birthday Gift Ideas For Boys/Girls: 10 Cool Ideas

“A one year old is so many things- A tiny discoverer of a new world, A softie who loves soft toys, A sleepyhead who has deprived parents of their beauty sleep, A darling who is as cute as a bug And precious to many And someone to dream for in bright years ahead…” So when the little darling has reached one year when they have found their feet and can stagger their way around and… Continue reading

8 Personalized Wedding Gift Ideas for Close Friend

There is no gift as precious as a friend. A best friend is someone who has been with you through thick and thin and means the world to you. One can live life without relatives but is lost without a friend and when that friend has realized that , “A bell is no bell 'til you ring it, A song is no song 'til you sing it,And love in your heart, Wasn’t put there to stay -Love… Continue reading

25 Years of Togetherness!

Years flew one by one since my beloved parents said “I do” and then the big year of celebration which was the 25th wedding anniversary arrived. It fell in the month of May and I had to start making arrangements for the same and wanted the D day to be perfect. It was a day that helped my parents relive the memories shared by them over the years right from big events, turning points, holidays,… Continue reading

Recent Customer Reviews..

25 Years of Togetherness!
4.7 rating based on 12,345 ratings
Overall rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 234 reviews.

Go for it !! Trust me!

"I recently bought a personalized ring from them which is awesome. They are very helpful and cooperative. I asked them to deliver my order through DTDC and not through India Post, and they shipped my item through DTDC the very next day. Just give them a chance to serve you and you won't be disappointed :)"
- Srv.himanshu


"Wow..AuGrav the team make our life event an all time memorable one.The wedding Ring!. We only trust them to fullfill our design and they done it Wonderfully.... And they delivered it on time..."
- nirmalapaul

Great Customer Service

"I ordered a customized ring.. The team was very proactive and got it done as I really expected.. and would definitely recommend to my friends :)"
- Sangitha


Good. Delivery getting delayed
- Ashiny

Very nice

Please provide some more innovatives
- Mrkidzee

good service and quality

I ordered my wedding rings from Augrav .Iam fully happy with the rings quality and their work . And good support from mr Vivek from starting to until I received the rings - Richard
- Robertchems

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